Helping teens and families find their PEACE.

Start using purpose-driven content and conflict management tools to better your life—and the lives of those around you—today.

Purpose. Empathy. Awareness. Connection. Empowerment.

Find purpose and empowerment in skills that help you navigate difficult relationships in a world that’s often trying to divide. Through a series of activities, applications, and discussions, our programs help you develop the kind of person you want to be. Gain awareness and understanding of what motivates you and others and strengthen connection in the relationships that matter most. You don’t have to be an adult to share empathy and a desire to do better in your corner of the community. Come learn how.

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Why participate?

Our community has no shortage of programs geared toward strengthening families and relationships. But how many are actually directed toward teens? That’s why we’ve partnered with local organizations like the YMCA and Kroc Center—to bring the chance for changing your life into your own hands.

Project PEACE creates a safe environment to explore your purpose and connection with your community. Discover the tools you need to better manage conflict and difficult situations in your personal, academic, and future professional lives—all in a short, after-school series.

What can you expect?

Although our programs vary in length, you can always expect a multi-week, after-school or weekend schedule. In addition to utilizing a workbook, you’ll be engaging in active learning. Anything from Minute-to-Win-It style games to sports to art—we have a little of something for everyone. And of course, there’s always free food!

By the end of the program, you’ll have explored tools to build skills like collaboration, self-awareness, empathy, leadership, and more.

Upcoming Trainings

  • Project PEACE for Teens


    Kroc Center
    October 15 - December 12
    Tuesdays & Thursdays
    4:30 - 6 PM

    Through a series of activities, applications, and discussions, this eight-week, after-school program helps you develop the kind of person you want to be. Come learn how much control you really do have over your own actions and relationships. The free food and gear don’t hurt, either.

  • Project PEACE for Teens


    Family YMCA of Salem
    October 15 - December 12
    Mondays & Wednesdays
    4:30 - 6 PM

    Through a series of activities, applications, and discussions, this eight-week, after-school program helps you develop the kind of person you want to be. Come learn how much control you really do have over your own actions and relationships. The free food and gear don’t hurt, either.

  • Project PEACE for Parents


    Kroc Center
    Dates TBD
    5-7:30 PM

    Project PEACE now has a component for parents! Learn how to build stronger relationships with the people who matter most. Through discussions, activities, and practical applications, you’ll learn ways to better collaborate, listen, and connect with the people in your life—yes, even your teenagers!