Our Mission

Strengthen families and teens by intentionally creating a space of belonging, both together and apart, to understand and transform conflict by increasing self-awareness and accountability in the relationships that matter most.

After-School Programs

Outward Leadership in the Classroom

Summer Program

Who We Serve

Evening Workshops

At-Home Resources & Tools

Organizational Trainings

Public Trainings

Nonprofit Partnerships

Skills We Cover













After-School Program Structure

Self-Awareness & Mindset

Conflict Management & Resolution

Family Support

Sure, the skills and concepts sound nice. But how does it actually work? Here’s a quick breakdown of the program structure to give you a better idea of the curriculum and tools participants use to apply to real-world challenges.

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 5-8


Based on material from the Arbinger Institute’s Choose Well curriculum, this segment of the program helps teens work through and discover their place and purpose in the world. Participants learn how a change in mindset can affect every relationship around them—and how self-deception can be our biggest obstacle to a meaningful life.

Participants learn about conflict styles, management, and resolution using the principles of Chad Ford’s Dangerous Love curriculum. The relationships in our lives that are most difficult to navigate with empathy are often the most critical to do so. This segment builds on the concepts of mindset, self-deception, and collusion discussed in prior weeks and takes them a step further by providing applications for sticky situations.

You’ve learned the material—now what? The final sessions provide resources for participants to take the material and language back to their families and friends. Teens will also receive sustainer tips for keeping the tools they’ve learned sharp and in use. Some programs will also offer a joint teen-parent/guardian workshop and celebration as the culminating session.


  • Life Map

  • Finding Your Purpose

  • Monkey-in-the-Middle

  • Balderdash

  • + More


  • Competitive Games

  • Reverse Charades

  • Conflict Metaphors

  • Bridge Building Exercise

  • Friendship Bracelets

  • + More


  • Board games

  • Joint family activities

  • Parent resources

How is the parent program different?

The 6-week parent program is meant to serve as a companion course for the teen curriculum. Although it is not a requirement that participating families have a teen go through a Project PEACE course themselves, it’s highly encouraged. Doing so maximizes the potential impact the programs could have on your family, giving everyone a shared language and toolkit to explore.

And while many of the same concepts and tools are explored, the focus and applications are appropriately adjusted to fit different age groups and familial roles. The first three weeks of the parent program are based upon the Arbinger Institute’s Living with an Outward Mindset curriculum, while the latter half borrows concepts from Chad Ford’s Dangerous Love. Both modules are specifically crafted with adults (specifically parents) in mind.

Upcoming events

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