Maximize the impact PEACE can have in your family.

At Project PEACE, we believe change starts with the individual. But just think: How much greater could that impact be if multiple individuals in the same family chose to change? Now that Project PEACE offers companion parent resources, you can find out for yourself.

Parent Trainings

Supplement your teen’s workshop or classroom experience by attending a training yourself. Our companion parent program provides you with the same vocabulary and tools as your teen, putting your whole family on the same page.

Parent Testimonials

Get a free book to help you engage better with your teen.

Use the link below to fill out a delivery form for a free copy of Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute or Dangerous Love by Chad Ford.

Upcoming Trainings

No trainings currently scheduled

Salem, OR

Check back for future opportunities! We’re working diligently on expanding our family and parent training offerings.